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Resultados para: FALSA CONFESIÓN
Estudios de derecho penal juvenil III

Defensoría Penal Pública

Estudios de derecho penal juvenil III

2012 188 p.

Solicitar como: 345.04083/D361e/2012

The making of a serial false confessor: the confessions of Henry Lee Lucas

Gudjonsson, Gisli.H.

The making of a serial false confessor: the confessions of Henry Lee Lucas

Publicado En: The journal of Forensic Psychiatry 2(10) 1999, 1999, 416-426

Memory distortions in coerced false confessions: a source monitoring framework analysis

Henkel, Linda A. y otros.

Memory distortions in coerced false confessions: a source monitoring framework analysis

Publicado En: Apllied Cognitive psychology 18 (2002), 2004, 567-588

Individual differences and false confessions: a conceptual replication of kassin and kiechel (1996)

Horselenberg, Robert y otros.

Individual differences and false confessions: a conceptual replication of kassin and kiechel (1996)

Publicado En: Psychology, Crime & law v.9 (2003), 2003, 1-8

More on the psychology of false confession

Kassin, Saul M.

More on the psychology of false confession

Publicado En: American psychologist 53(1998) , 1998, 320-321

The Social Psychology of False confessions

Kassin, Saul M.

The Social Psychology of False confessions

Publicado En: Psychological science v.7 n.3 (1996:May) , 1996, 125-128

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Ost, James y otros.

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Publicado En: The journal of Forensic Psychiatry 12(3) (2001:Dic) , 2001, 549-579

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Rassin, Eric y otros.

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Publicado En: Behavioral Sciences and the law 17(1999), 1999, 237-248