Resultados búsqueda

Total registros 20

Resultados para: FALSA CONFESIÓN
The Social Psychology of False confessions

Kassin, Saul M.

The Social Psychology of False confessions

Publicado En: Psychological science v.7 n.3 (1996:May) , 1996, 125-128

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Ost, James y otros.

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Publicado En: The journal of Forensic Psychiatry 12(3) (2001:Dic) , 2001, 549-579

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Ost, James y otros.

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Publicado En: The journal of Forensic Psychiatry 12(3) (2001:Dic) , 2001, 549-579

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Ost, James y otros.

False confessions and false memories: a model for understanding retractors experences

Publicado En: The journal of Forensic Psychiatry 12(3) (2001:Dic) , 2001, 549-579

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Rassin, Eric y otros.

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Publicado En: Behavioral Sciences and the law 17(1999), 1999, 237-248

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Rassin, Eric y otros.

Special Perspectives. The potential conflict between clinical and judicial decision Making Heuristics

Publicado En: Behavioral Sciences and the law 17(1999), 1999, 237-248

Taking responsibility for an act not committed

Redlich, Allison D.

Taking responsibility for an act not committed

Publicado En: Law and human behavior april v. 27 no.2 2003 , 2003, 141-156

False  confession to robbery the roles of suggestibility, anxiety, menory disturbance and withdrawal symtoms

Santtila, Pekka y otros.

False confession to robbery the roles of suggestibility, anxiety, menory disturbance and withdrawal symtoms

Publicado En: the journal of forence psychiatry Vol. 10(2) (1999:Sep) , 1999, 339-415